Artikelnr RSP20112

Rollei Superpan 200 135-36


Product information Rollei Superpan 200 35mm 36 exposures

Product type (b&w/color): b&w
Film type: 35mm pocket film
ISO speed: 400
Sensitivity: panchromatic
No. of exposures: 36
Film base: triacetate
Area of application: Low to medium altitude photography, well-controlled contrast in order to cut through haze, fog, and other atmospheric conditions

Rollei Superpan 200 is a high-speed black and white negative film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200/24°. This film really demonstrate its high performance and reliability in poor lighting conditions. The already high-speed can be increased to ISO 400/27 by pushing. Superpan 200 is a real all-rounder! Another special feature is its extended infrared range up to 750 nm, which can produce creative effects with the appropriate filter.

• film base PET 100 microns
• crystal-clear, anti-halation layer in the emulsion
• 200 ISO plus/minus 1 stop
• extended red sensitivity up to 750 nm
• a complete stop more at the same or even higher resolution
• over 180 lp/mm
• extra-fine grain
• great maximum density
• great tone reproduction
• good exposure latitude (between 125 and 250 ISO)
• good for push/pull processing
• optimum flatness
• transparent = ideal for scanning and as a slide
• available as a 35 mm and 120 roll film
