Artikelnr 60830
JOBO MörkrumsKiT/ LabbKiT #1500L
Jobo Lab Kit with a whole lot of useful hardware for film developing. To complete the kit on the software-side, meaning film chemicals, we recommend the FOTOIMPEX Starter Kit Chemistry Refill Packs.
Develop your films by hand with classic inversion technique or with the included roller-base with rotation for low chemical consumption and very even developments.
The kit includes:
- 1 JOBO Tank 1540 (for up to 4x135/36 or 4x120 films)
- 2 Scaled JOBO bottles (1000 ml)
- 1 JOBO Graduates (260ml)
- 1 JOBO Graduate (20ml)
- 2 Sets of JOBO Film Clips
- 1 JOBO Color Thermometer
- 1 JOBO Cascade
- 1 Roller Base #1509